
I am sure that you want to be happy. That is probably why you are visiting this website about happiness! I too have the same desire. However, the world we live in is full of stress and problems, making it challenging to find happiness. 

When facing such challenges, the way one’s mind “thinks” is a major determinant of one’s happiness. According to psychologists, when facing problems and stressors, having certain “unhelpful” thoughts can make one unhappy.

The aim of “Happy Thinking” is to help you change unhelpful thoughts so that you can find happiness despite the various challenges you may face.

On this website, I will explain what “unhelpful thoughts” are and describe common ones to you. This will help you to recognise unhelpful thoughts when they occur in your mind. 

I will also explain to you various “mental tools” that you can use to change unhelpful thoughts. These are very practical mental techniques that you can use daily to manage your thoughts. 

In addition to the above, I will also share with you concepts and wisdom about happiness taken from various modern and ancient sources which could help you with your journey of finding happiness.

In essence, the ingredients of Happy Thinking are, recognising unhelpful thoughts, using mental tools to change such thoughts, and understanding wisdom about happiness. Mixing these ingredients will provide the happiness you are looking for. 

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